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Anilao dive day #6

Yet another beautiful day.

Our captain getting the boat ready, ours in Buceo Two, the one in the middle.

Things we haven’t mentioned so far…

  • Bugs
  • Bacon torrettes
  • Boat buddies

Starting with bugs. I find it rather strange that underwater we can get excited by the tiniest of critters, when above water the bugs can be huge. Butterflies as big as you hand (no photo yet as they don’t stay still long enough). Here is a picture of a grasshopper taken outside of our door.

He may not look huge but he was between 5-6 inches long!

Then last night we had this on our bathroom floor.

Size matters with scorpions. The smaller they are the more dangerous. This one was about a centimetre long. We are, however, safe. I put a glass over the top if and we are very bravely leaving it for room cleaning.

Dive 1

Great dive, no current.
Gentle slope, sand with coral outcrops.

Loads of nudis.
Lots for Richard to take pictures of, nice coral and featherstars.

80 minute dive.

Dive 2

A slope with coral. An extremely relaxed dive. A very slight current going with us. Just floated along taking pictures and shining my light in nooks and crannies.

Very large grey/pink painted frogfish.
Lots of Xmas tree worms.
Very best, at the end of the dive, a harlequin shrimp.

An 85 minute dive.

Arthur’s Rock

Great dive, no current.
Gentle slope, sand with coral outcrops.

Loads of nudis.
Lots for Richard to take pictures of, nice coral and featherstars.

82 minute dive.

Saim Sim – Night Dive

Very calm. No current.

Just us and Nanie on the boat.

Very gentle sandy slope. So much to see.

Six frog fish, including a bright red one about 2mm long.

Arrow shrimps, big crabs, little crabs. A family of cleaner shrimps on a beautiful feeding mushroom coral. A nudi with a huge mouth, about a third of its size.

Came up from the dive and there was a thunderstorm providing amazing entertainment on the 10 minute trip back.

79 minutes.

We joined our boat buddies, Brendan and Vicki for dinner, then work stuff got in the way to ruin a perfectly nice evening.